We will use data killersnails.csv to explore various types of simple linear regressions. This dataset, based on lab experiments involving predatory snails and mussel prey, includes a series of linear measurements describing shell dimensions of predators, prey, and traces (drillholes) produced by predators when attacking the prey.
options(digits = 3) # let's round all outputs to three digits
snails <- read.csv('killersnails.csv', na.strings = '.') # read the external file (note that missing values are '.' in this case)
snails2 <- na.omit(snails) # remove rows with missing values
# install.packages('lmodel2') # NOT RUN: activate this line to install lmodel2 package
library(lmodel2) # upload library lmodel2
# store variables as follows:
X <- snails2$PredHeight # variable estimating predator size
Y <- snails2$DrillMaxOuter # variable estimating drill hole size)
Z <- snails2$PreyWidth # variable estimating prey size
V <- snails2$PreyThickAnter # variable estimating prey shell thickness
Step 1. Log-transform all variables using natural log
X <- log(X); Y <- log(Y); Z <- log(Z); V <- log(V)
Step 2. Compute and plot OLS (Ordinary Least-Square Regression), MA (Major Axis Regression), and SMA (Standardized Major Axis Regression - also knows as Reduced Major Axis Regression) for ‘DrillMaxOuter’ (dependent Y) and ‘PredHeight’ (independent X) using custom-written statements and assemble those results into a 3 by 2 table.
slopeOLS <- cov(X, Y) / var(X) # compute slope coefficient
interceptOLS <- mean(Y) - slopeOLS * mean(X) # compute intercept
slopeMA <- 0.5 * (var(Y) / cov(X,Y) - var(X) / cov(X,Y)+
sign(cov(X, Y)) * (4 + (var(Y) / cov(X,Y) - var(X) / cov(X,Y))^2)^0.5)
interceptMA <- mean(Y) - slopeMA * mean(X)
slopeSMA <- sign(cov(X, Y)) * sd(Y) / sd(X)
interceptSMA <- mean(Y) - slopeSMA * mean(X)
( my.reg <- rbind(OLS = c(intercept = interceptOLS, slope = slopeOLS),
MA = c(interceptMA, slopeMA), SMA = c(interceptSMA, slopeSMA)) )
## intercept slope
## OLS -2.15 0.734
## MA -3.12 1.005
## SMA -3.12 1.004
Step 3. Compute slope and intercept values again using lmodel2 package and then assemble those results into a 3 by 2 table (extract only the six values you need here). Note that the results are identical to those obtained in step 2.
( lm2.reg <- lmodel2(Y ~ X)$regression.results[,1:3] )
## RMA was not requested: it will not be computed.
## No permutation test will be performed
## Method Intercept Slope
## 1 OLS -2.15 0.734
## 2 MA -3.12 1.005
## 3 SMA -3.12 1.004
Step 4. Compute predicted values and OLS residuals for Y (drillhole diameter). A few top rows of the resulting output ‘resY’ are printed below.
predY <- slopeOLS*X + interceptOLS
resY <- Y - predY
head(cbind(predicted = predY, residuals = resY)) # check out a few top rows of 'resY' file
## predicted residuals
## [1,] 0.504 0.1483
## [2,] 0.504 -0.0403
## [3,] 0.472 -0.0142
## [4,] 0.494 0.0425
## [5,] 0.494 -0.0366
## [6,] 0.400 0.1596
Step 5. Plot X-Y scatter plot, including regression line. Also plot predicted Y values on the regression line (gray points). Visualize magnitude of residuals with vertical arrows connecting each observation to its predicted value. Replace log values on plot axes with non-log values (to make it easier on readers). Use semi-transparent symbols.
plot(X, Y, type = 'n', las = 1, xlab = 'shell height [mm]',
ylab = 'drillhole diameter [mm]', axes = F)
abline(a = interceptOLS, b = slopeOLS, lwd = 3, col = 'gray')
points(X, predY, pch = 16, cex = 0.8, col = 'darkgray')
points(X, Y, pch = 21, col = 'coral3', bg = adjustcolor('coral3', 0.3))
arrows(X, Y, X, predY, lwd = 1, lty = 3, col = 'gray', length = 0.1)
axis(2, at=c(log(1), log(2)), labels=c(1, 2))
axis(1, at=c(log(20), log(30), log(40), log(50)), labels=c(20, 30, 40, 50))
Step 6. Compute Perason correlation of residuals from the OLS regression against the variables V and Z (assess statistical significance of r against H[0]: r = 0). Assemble into a 2 x 3 table reporting r, t, and p for both Z and V.
corZ <- cor.test(resY, Z)
corV <- cor.test(resY, V)
rbind(Z=c(corZ$estimate, corZ$statistic, p=corZ$p.value),
V=c(corV$estimate, corV$statistic, p=corV$p.value))
## cor t p
## Z 0.217 1.79 0.0777
## V 0.169 1.38 0.1713
Step 7. Make a plot of predator size (X) versus drillhole diameter (X) and incorporate visually other two variables (V and Z).
# define a color gradient
mycol.F <- colorRampPalette(c("seagreen1", "black")) # this function creates a function
mycols <- mycol.F(length(X)) # usw function to create color codes along a color gradient
mycolsV <- mycols[order(V)] # order color codes by variable V
# define a multi-panel plot using layout
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0), omi = c(0.7, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1), xpd = T)
p.a <- c(rep(1, 12), rep(2, 2), rep(1, 12), rep(2, 2), rep(c(rep(3, 12), c(4, 4)), 12))
layout(matrix(p.a, 14, 14, byrow = T))
plot(V ~ X, main = '', axes = F, cex = 0.2)
VX <- loess(V ~ X)
j <- order(X)
lines(X[j], VX$fitted[j], col="gray", lwd=3)
mtext(side = 3, line = -1.4, cex=0.7, adj=0.01,
bquote('prey thickness'~italic(r)^2 == .(cor(Y,V)^2)))
plot(0, 0, axes = F, type = 'n')
mtext(side = 3, line = -1.8, bquote(italic(r)^2 == .(round(cor(X,Y)^2,3))), cex=0.8)
mtext(side = 3, line = -3.6, bquote(italic(n) == .(length(X))), cex=0.8)
plot(X, Y, type='n', las=1, xlab='', ylab='drillhole diameter', axes=F)
abline(a=interceptOLS, b=slopeOLS, lwd=2, lty=3, col='gray')
points(X, Y, pch=21, col=mycolsV, cex=1.8*Z-3, bg=adjustcolor(mycolsV, 0.4))
axis(2, at=c(log(1), log(1.5), log(2), log(2.5)), labels=c(1, 1.5, 2, 2.5))
axis(1, at=c(log(20), log(30), log(40), log(50)), labels=c(20, 30, 40, 50))
legend('bottomright', pch=21, pt.cex=range(1.8*Z-3), as.character(exp(range(Z))), cex=1.2, title='prey size')
legend('topleft', pch=21, pt.cex=1, col=mycols[c(1,length(X))], pt.bg=adjustcolor(mycols[c(1,length(X))],0.3),
as.character(exp(range(V))), cex=1.2, title='prey thickness')
plot(Y ~ Z, cex=0.2, main='', axes=F)
YZ <- loess(Z ~ Y)
j2 <- order(Y)
lines(YZ$fitted[j2], Y[j2], col="gray",lwd=3)
mtext(side=4, line=-1, bquote('prey size'~italic(r)^2 == .(cor(Y,Z)^2)), cex=0.7, adj=0.01)
mtext(side=1, line=3, adj=0.4, outer=T, 'predator shell height (mm)')
mtext(side=2, line=3, adj=0.4, outer=T, 'drillhole diameter (mm)')
Citations (always acknowledge packages you use in your scripts)
## To cite package 'lmodel2' in publications use:
## Pierre Legendre (2018). lmodel2: Model II Regression. R package
## version 1.7-3. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=lmodel2
## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
## @Manual{,
## title = {lmodel2: Model II Regression},
## author = {Pierre Legendre},
## year = {2018},
## note = {R package version 1.7-3},
## url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=lmodel2},
## }
## ATTENTION: This citation information has been auto-generated from
## the package DESCRIPTION file and may need manual editing, see
## 'help("citation")'.
Comments/Questions/Corrections: Michal Kowalewski (kowalewski@ufl.edu)
Peer-review: This document has NOT been peer-reviewed.
Our Sponsors: National Science Foundation (Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology Program), National Science Foundation (Earth Rates Initiative), Paleontological Society, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.