Reddin, C.J., Landwehrs, J.P., Mathes, G.H., Ullmann, C.V., Feulner, G., Aberhan, M. |
Marine occupancy responses escalate according to species thermal bias over Early Jurassic warming |
ResearchSquare preprint |
Mathes, G.H., Reddin, C.J., Kiessling, W., Antell, G.S., Saupe, E.E., Steinbauer, M.J. |
Spatially heterogeneous responses of planktonic foraminifera assemblages over 700,000 years of climate change |
BioRxiv preprint |
Smith, J.A., Raja, N.B., Clements, T., DimitrijeviÄ, D., Dowding, E.M., Dunne, E.M., Gee, B.M., Godoy, P.L., mLombardi, E.M., Mulvey, L.P.A., NĂ€tscher, P.S., Reddin, C.J., Shirley, B., Warnock, R.C.M., Kocsis, Ă.T. |
Increasing the equitability of data citation in paleontology: capacity building for the big data future |
Paleobiology |
Carobene, D., Bussert, R., Struck, U., Reddin, C.J., Aberhan, M. |
Influence of abiotic and biotic factors on benthic marine community composition, structure and stability: a multidisciplinary approach to molluscan assemblages from the Miocene of northern Germany |
Papers in Palaeontology |
HÀnsel, P., Oehrl, S., Ideström, L., Widerström, P., Reddin, C.J., Munnecke, A. |
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry as provenance indicator for the picture stones on Gotland (Sweden) |
Reddin, C.J., Aberhan, M., Raja, N.B., Kocsis, Ă.T. |
Global warming generates predictable extinctions of warm- and cold-water marine benthic invertebrates via thermal habitat loss |
Global Change Biology |
NĂ€tscher, P.S., Dera, G., Reddin, C.J., Rita, P., De Baets, K. |
Morphological response accompanying size reduction of belemnites during an Early Jurassic hyperthermal event modulated by life history |
Scientific Reports |
Dal Corso, J., Bernardi, M., Sun, Y., Song, H., Seyfullah, L.J., Reto, N., Gianolla, P., Ruffell, A., Kustatscher, E., Roghi, G. et al. |
Extinction and dawn of the modern world in the Carnian (Late Triassic) |
Science Advances |
PT-clim, NUC |
S. Götze, C. Bock, C. Eymann, G. Lannig, J.B.M. Steffen, H.O. Pörtner |
Single and combined effects of the âDeadly trioâ hypoxia, hypercapnia and warming on the cellular metabolism of the great scallop Pecten maximus |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2020 |
BivTRS |
Sun Y., Orchard MJ., Kocsis T., Joachimski M.M. |
CarnianâNorian (Late Triassic) climate change: Evidence from conodont oxygen isotope thermometry with implications for reef development and Wrangellian tectonics |
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020 |
PT-clim, NUC |
C. V. Ullmann, R. Boyle, L. V. Duarte, S. P. Hesselbo, S. Kasemann, T. Klein, T. Lenton, V. Piazza, M. Aberhan |
Warm afterglow from the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event drives the success of deep-adapted brachiopods |
Submitted to Scientific Reports, 2020 |
ph-Prox, EvoBiv |
V. Piazza, C. V. Ullmann, M. Aberhan |
Temperature-related body size change of marine benthic macroinvertebrates across the Early Toarcian Anoxic Event |
Scientific Reports, 2020 |
EvoBiv |
W. J. Foster, J. Gliwa, C. Lembke, A. C Pugh, R. Hofmann, M. Tietje, S. Varela, L. C. Foster, D. Korn, M. Aberhan |
Evolutionary and ecophenotypic controls on bivalve body size distributions following the end-Permian mass extinction |
Global and Planetary Change, 2020 |
PT-evo, EvoBiv |
M. Schobben, J. Gravendyck, F. Mangels, U Struck, R. Bussert, W. M. KĂŒrschner, D. Korn, P. M. Sander, M. Aberhan |
A comparative study of total organic carbon-13Csignatures in the TriassicâJurassic transitional bedsof the Central European Basin and western Tethysshelf seas |
Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 2019 |
PT-evo, EvoBiv |
W. J. Foster, C. L. Garvie, A. M. Weiss, A. D. Muscente, M. Aberhan, J. W. Counts, R. C . Martindale |
Resilience of marine invertebratecommunities during the earlyCenozoic hyperthermals |
Scientific Reports, 2020 |
EvoBiv |
C. Eymann, S. Götze, C. Bock, H. Guderley, A. H. Knoll, G. Lannig, I. M. Sokolova, M. Aberhan, H.âO. Pörtner |
Thermal performance of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis(Linnaeus, 1758)âexplaining ecological findings under climatechange |
Marine Biology, 2020 |
BivTRS, EvoBiv |
G. S. Antell, W. Kiessling, M. Aberhan, E. E. Saupe |
Marine Biodiversity and Geographic DistributionsAre Independent on Large Scales |
Current Biology Report, 2020 |
BivTRS and TRSdata, EvoBiv |
Reddin CJ, NĂ€tscher PS, Kocsis ĂT, Pörtner H-O, Kiessling W |
Marine clade sensitivities to climate change conform across timescales |
Nature Climate Change, 2020 |
TRSdata, BivTRS |
P. Rita, P. NĂ€tscher, L. Duarte, R. Weis, K. de Baets |
Mechanisms and drivers of belemnite body-size dynamics across the PliensbachianâToarcian crisis |
Royal Society Open Science Journal, 2019 |
J-body |
Miao, L., Dai, X., Korn, D., Brayard, A., Chen, J., Liu, X., Song, H. |
A Changhsingian (Late Permian) nautiloid assemblage from Gujiao, South China |
Papers in Palaeontology, Accepted 2019 |
PT-evo |
Korn, D., Ghaderi, A., Ghanizadeh Tabrizi, N., Gliwa, J. |
The morphospace of Late Permian coilded nautiloids |
Lethaia, 2019 |
PT-evo |
Korn, D., Ghaderi, A., Ghanizadeh Tabrizi, N. |
Early Changhsingian (Late Permian) ammonoids from NW Iran |
Neues Jahrbuch fĂŒr Geologie und PalĂ€ontologie-Abhandlungen 293, 2019 |
PT-evo |
Korn, D., Ghaderi, A., |
The Late Permian araxoceratid ammonoids: a case of repetitive temporal and spatial unfolding of homoplastic conch characters |
Neues Jahrbuch fĂŒr Geologie und PalĂ€ontologie-Abhandlungen 292, 2019 |
PT-evo |
Sun, Y.D., Zulla, M.J., Joachimski, M.M., Bond, D.P.G., Wignall, P.B., Zhang, Z.T. and Zhang, M.H. |
Ammonium Ocean following the end-Permian Mass Extinction |
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, July 2019 |
PT-clim |
Joachimski, M.M., Alekseev, A.S., Grigoryan, A., Gatovsky, Yu.A |
Siberian Trap volcanism, global warming and the Permian-Triass (PT) mass extinction: New insights from Armenian PT sections |
Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 132, 427-443, 2020 |
PT-clim |
Schobben, M., Gravendyck. J., Mangels, F., Struck, U., Bussert, R., KĂŒrschner, W. M., Korn, D., Sander. P. M., Aberhan, M. |
A comparative study of total organic carbon-ÎŽ13C signatures in the TriassicâJurassic transitional beds of the Central European Basin and western Tethys shelf seas |
Newsletters on Stratigraphy, Jan 2019 |
PT-evo, EvoBiv |
Piazza, V., Duarte, L.V., Renaudie, J., Aberhan, M. |
Reductions in body size of benthic macroinvertebrates as a precursor of the Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) extinction event in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal |
Paleobiology, Januar 2019 |
EvoBiv |
Kocsis, Ă. T, Reddin, C. J., Alroy, J., Kiessling, W. |
The R package divDyn for quantifying diversity dynamics using fossil sampling data |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Jan 2019 |
TRSdata |
Schobben M., Heuer F., Tietje M., Ghaderi A., Korn D., Korte C., Wignall P.B. |
Chemostratigraphy across thePermian-Triassic boundary:The effect of sampling strategieson carbonate carbon isotopestratigraphic markers. |
Chemostratigraphy across majorchronostratigraphical boundaries.AGU Geophysical Monograph 240, 2019 |
PT-evo |
Reddin, C. J., Kocsis, A., Kiessling, W. |
Climate change and the latitudinalselectivity of ancient marineextinctions |
Paleobiology, 2018 |
TRSdata |
Kocsis, A., Reddin, C. J., Kiessling, W. |
The stability of coastal benthicbiogeography over the last10 million years |
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2018 |
TRSdata |
Sun Y., Richoz S., Krystyn L., Zhang Z., Joachimski M. |
Perturbations in carbon cycle duringthe Carnian Humid Episode:Carbonate carbon isotope recordsfrom southwestern China andnorthern Oman |
Journal of the Geological Society, 2018 |
PT-clim |
Rita, P., de Baets, K., Schlott, M. |
Rostrum size differences betweenToarcian belemnite battlefields |
Fossil Record, 2018 |
J-body |
Kocsis, A., Reddin, C. J., Kiessling, W. |
The biogeographical imprintof mass extinctions |
Proceedings of the RoyalSociety B, 2018 |
TRSdata |
Reddin, C. J., Kocsis, A., Kiessling, W. |
Marine invertebrate migrations traceclimate change over 450 million years |
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2018 |
TRSdata |
Martindale, R. C., Aberhan, M. |
Response of macrobenthic communitiesto the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Eventin northeastern Panthalassa(Ya Ha Tinda, Alberta, Canada) |
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2017 |
EvoBiv |
Kiessling, W., Schobben, M., Ghaderi, A.Hairapetian, V., Leda, L., Korn, D. |
Pre-mass extinction decline oflatest Permian ammonoids |
Geology, 2018 |
TRSdata, PT-evo |
Schobben, M., van de Velde, S.,Gliwa, J., Leda, L., Korn, D.,Struck, U., Ullmann, C.V.,Hairapetian, V., Ghaderi, A.,Korte, C., Newton, R.J.,Poulton, S.W., Wignall, P.B. |
Latest Permian carbonate carbonisotope variability traces heterogeneousorganic carbon accumulation andauthigenic carbonate formation |
Climate of the Past, 2017 |
PT-evo |
Dera, G., Toumoulin, A., De Baets, K. |
Diversity and morphological evolution ofJurassic belemnites from South Germany |
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016 |
J-body |
Melanie Tietje, William J. Foster, Jana Gliwa, Clara Lembke, Autumn Pugh, Richard Hofmann, Sara Varela, Louise C. Foster, Dieter Korn, Martin Aberhan |
Primary productivity, deoxygenation, and the Gulliver-absence effect determine bivalve body size following the end-Permian mass extinction |
EGU 2020 |
Vienna, May 2020 |
Reddin C.J., Kocsis Ă.T., Kiessling W. |
Climate change and the latitudinal selectivity of ancient marine extinctions |
Crossing the Palaeontological-Ecological Gap |
University of Leeds, UK, August, 2018 |
Reddin C.J., NĂ€tscher P.S., Kocsis Ă.T., Pörtner H-O, Kiessling W. |
Marine invertebrate responses to temperature-related stressors and their interactions |
Crossing the Palaeontological-Ecological Gap |
University of Leeds, UK, August, 2018 |
Reddin C.J., NĂ€tscher P.S., Kocsis Ă.T., Pörtner H-O, Kiessling W. |
Marine invertebrate responses to temperature-related stressors and their interactions |
Ocean Deoxygenation Conference |
Kiel, September 2018 |
P. Rita, K. De Baets, L. V. Duarte |
The effect of the Pliensbachian-Toarcian crisis on body size: the case of Peniche section belemnites (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal) |
10th International Symposium "Cephalopods - Present and Past" |
Fes, March, 2018 |
P. Rita, K. De Baets, L. V. Duarte |
The effect of the Pliensbachian-Toarcian crisis on body size: the case of Peniche section belemnites (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal) |
IPC5 |
Paris (FR), July 9th-13th, 2018 |
Rita, P., De Baets, K., Schlott, M. |
Differences in body size distributions between Toarcian belemnite battlefields |
IPC5 |
Paris (FR), July 9th-13th, 2018 |
Rita, P., Duarte, L. V., GarcĂa-Ramos, J. C., Neige, P., Piñuela, L., Weis, R., De Baets, K. |
Biogeographic patterns of belemnite body size responses across the Early Toarcian environmental crisis |
EGU General Assembly |
Vienna (Austria), 7thâ12th April 2019 |
De Baets, K., |
Preservation of environmental signals within fossil body size distributions |
EGU General Assembly |
Vienna (Austria), 7thâ12th April 2019 |
De Baets, K., Kiessling, W. |
Persistence of the Lilliput effect across evolutionary and ecological scales |
Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association |
University of Bristol (UK), 16th Dec 2018 |
de Baets, K. |
Ecological and evolutionary drivers of
temporal variations in body size |
Geological Society of America
130th Annual Meeting |
Indianapolis (USA),
Nov 4th-7th, 2018 |
de Baets, K. |
Preservation of Macroecological and
Macroevolutionary Signals within Cephalopod
Body Size Distributions across Time |
Geological Society of America
130th Annual Meeting |
Indianapolis (USA),
Nov 4th-7th, 2018 |
Piazza, V., Aberhan, M. |
Selectivity of Temperature-Related
Stresses towards brachiopods across
the Early-Toarcian (Early Jurassic)
Extinction Event in NW-Tethys. Pp. 87-88 |
8th International
Brachiopod Congress |
Milano (Italy),
Sep 11th-14st, 2018 |
de Baets, K., Rita, P. |
Fluctuations in belemnite rostrum
size during the Pliensbachian-Toarcian crisis |
IGCP 655 - TOAE |
Coimbra (Portugal),
Sep 6th - 9th, 2018 |
Rita, P., de Baets K., Duarte, L. V. |
The effect of the Pliensbachian-Toarcian
crisis on body size: the case of the
Peniche section belemnites |
IGCP 655 - TOAE |
Coimbra (Portugal),
Sep 6th - 9th, 2018 |
Piazza, V., Aberhan, M |
Body size trends of bivalves and brachiopods
across the Early Toarcian Extinction Event
from NW-Tethys: a comparison between
Spain and Portugal |
IGCP 655 - TOAE |
Coimbra (Portugal),
Sep 6th - 9th, 2018 |
Klein, T., Anette Meixner, Kasemann, S., Duarte, L. V |
New insights into environmental conditions
for the Early Jurassic Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic
Event from boron and lithium isotopes |
IGCP 655 - TOAE |
Coimbra (Portugal),
Sep 6th - 9th, 2018 |
Kiessling, W. |
Dynamics of extinction and origination
in the marine fossil record: an update |
GeoBonn |
Dynamics of extinction and origination
in the marine fossil record: an update |
Piazza, V., Aberhan, M. |
Trends in body size of brachiopods
and bivalves across the Early Toarcian
(Early Jurassic) extinction event
in the NW-Tethys |
Leeds (UK), Aug 30th-31st, 2018 |
Kiessling, W. |
Ecological and evolutionary drivers of
temporal variations in body size |
IPC5 |
Paris (FR),
July 9th-13th, 2018 |
Sun, Y. |
Oceanic anoxia during the
Carnian Humid Episode |
IPC5 |
Paris (FR),
July 9th-13th, 2018 |
Reddin, C. |
Climate change and the latitudinal
selectivity of ancient marine extinctions |
IPC5 |
Paris (FR),
July 9th-13th, 2018 |
Reddin, C. |
Marine invertebrate responses to
multiple temperature-related stressors
and their preservation potential |
IPC5 |
Paris (FR),
July 9th-13th, 2018 |
Kocsis, A. |
The R package 'divDyn': diversity
dynamics from fossil occurrence data |
IPC5 |
Paris (FR),
July 9th-13th, 2018 |
Kocsis, A. |
The stability of coastal marine
biogeography over the last 10 million years
and their preservation potential |
IPC5 |
Paris (FR),
July 9th-13th, 2018 |
Kocsis, A. |
The biogeographic imprint
of mass extinctions
and their preservation potential |
IPC5 |
Paris (FR),
July 9th-13th, 2018 |
Kiessling, W., Schobben, M., Ghaderi, A., Hairapetian, V., Leda, L., Korn, D. |
Pre-mass extinction decline
of latest Permian ammonoids |
10th International
Symposium "Cephalopods -
Present and Past" |
March 2018 |
Kiessling, W. |
Artensterben als Chance |
NHG NĂŒrnberg |
NĂŒrnberg (GE),
Feb 22th 2018 |
Piazza, V., Aberhan, M., Duarte, L.V. |
Trends in body size of benthic marine
macroinvertebrates across the Early
Toarcian (Early Jurassic) extinction event in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal |
10th International Congress
on the Jurassic System |
San Luis Potosi,
Feb 4th-9th 2018 |
Aberhan, M., Piazza, V., Duarte, L.V. |
Ecological change within assemblages
of brachiopods and molluscs across the
Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) extinction event in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal |
10th International Congress
on the Jurassic System |
San Luis Potosi,
4-9 Feb 2018 |
Pörtner, H. |
IPCC outreach events with presentations
on Ocean Changes involving Deadly Trio |
Invited to: Bremerhaven, Quito,
Riga, Bonn, Washington,
Lanzhou |
2018 |
Sun, Y. |
Hot and smelly Permian-Triassic waters |
Invited to: University of Hong Kong |
2018 |
Sun, Y. |
Oxygen isotope thermometry and
palaeotemperatures of the Carnian:
problems and questions |
Invited to: Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg
Institute for Advanced Study |
Delmenhorst (GE), 2018 |
Joachimski, M. |
Environmental changes across
the Permian-Triassic boundary:
Setting the stage for mass extinction |
Invited to: Texas A&M University |
Texas (USA), 2018 |
Piazza, V., Aberhan, M., Duarte, L.V. |
Ecology of brachiopod and mollusc
assemblages across the Early Toarcian
(Early Jurassic) extinction event in the
Lusitanian Basin, Portugal |
PalAss Meeting
(Poster-session) |
Dec. 2017 |
J. Gliwa, D. Korn, S. Crasquin, M.-B. Forel, M. Schobben |
Ostracod fauna of the Aras Valley section
(NW-Iran) indicates sustained oxygenated
conditions during the end-Permian mass
extinction |
PalAss Meeting
(Poster-session) |
Dec 2017 |
Kiessling, W. |
Reef boom and doom in deep time |
Seminar |
University of Oxford
Nov 10th 2017 |
Aberhan, M., Piazza, V., Duarte, L.V. |
Declines in the body size of benthic
macroinvertebrates as a harbinger of the
Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) extinction
event in the Lusitanian Basin |
Geological Society of America 129th Annual Meeting |
Oct 2017 |
Kiessling, W., Schobben, M., Ghaderi, A., Hairapetian, V., Leda, L., Korn, D. |
Pre-mass extinction decline
of latest Permian ammonoids |
Geological Society of America
129th Annual Meeting |
Oct 2017 |
P. Rita, K. De Baets, L. V. Duarte |
Body size dynamics of belemnites
during uppermost Pliensbachian-
Lower Toarcian from the Peniche
section in Reolid, M. (Ed.) |
International workshop on the
Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event |
Oct 2017 |
Piazza, V., Aberhan, M., Duarte, L.V. |
Body size trends of brachiopods and
bivalves at the early Toarcian
(Early Jurassic) extinction event
in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal |
International workshop on the
Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event |
Oct 2017 |
C. J. Reddin, A. T. Kocsis, W. Kiessling |
Marine invertebrates migrate with
climate change throughout the past
480 million years |
52nd European Marine
Biology Symposium |
Piran, SI,
Sep 2017 |
Kiessling, W. |
Scene-setting talk: Palaeontological
and historical records of climate
change impacts |
IPCC, AR6 Scoping Meeting |
Addis Ababa (ET)
May 1st-15th, 2017 |
Aberhan, M. |
End of days in tropical Panthalassa:
25 million years and two mass extinctions |
McCarthy, Alaska |
2017 |
Pörtner, H. |
IPCC outreach events with presentations
on Ocean Changes involving Deadly Trio |
Invited to: Liupanshui, Nairobi,
Paris, Glasgow, Montreal,
Malmö, Bremen, Capetown,
COP23 (Bonn) |
2017 |
Sun, Y. |
Climate warming during and in the
aftermath of the end-Permian
mass extinction |
Medal lecture: EGU 2017 |
Viena (AT), 2017 |
Joachimski, M. |
Climatic warming across the
Permian-Triassic boundary?
New evidence from Armenia |
Toulouse (FR), 2017 |
Kiessling, W. |
Range and Change - The role of
changing occupancy in predicting
extinction risk |
Geological Society of America
128th Annual Meeting |
Denver (USA),
Sep 25th-28th, 2016 |
Pörtner, H. |
IPCC outreach events with presentations
on Ocean Changes involving Deadly Trio |
Invited to: BrĂŒssel, Berlin,
Stockholm, London, Suva,
Ny Alesund, Casablanca,
Hanoi, Heidelberg |
2016 |
Kiessling, W. |
Dem Klima auf der Spur: Quellen
und Senken der BiodiversitÀt |
Invited to: Wissenschaft auf AEG |
NĂŒrnberg (GE), 2016 |
Kiessling, W. |
Marine biological impacts of
climate change: Present and past |
Invited to: Research Training
University of
Greifswald (GE), 2016 |
Sun, Y. |
Hothouse climate in the Early Triassic |
Invited to: Forum of
Early Career Scientists
in Palaeontology II |
Beijing, 2016 |